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[SF@Y] SF@Y Season 7! "Create Nano" (Aug 26, 2022)

2022년 7월 4일 월요일부터 8월 26일 금요일까지 "Create Nano"라는 주제로 진행된 Science Factory@Yonsei Season 7가 무사히 막을 내렸다. 연구 성과를 토대로 진행한 수료식 및 시상식에서 Nano/Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems 팀이 우수한 성적으로 금상을 수상했다.

[Seminar] [Special Seminar] Scott Behie, Ph.D (Cell), Aug/31/2022 "Insight into the Editorial Process from a Cell Editor" (Aug 25, 2022)

Navigating the publishing process can seem mysterious and daunting. In this seminar, I hope to offer insight into the way the editors at the journal Cell work together to evaluate manuscript submissions, our decision-making processes and how to connect with the editors about your exciting science.

[Seminar] [Special Seminar] Prof. Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M, Yonsei ASI), Jul/19/2022 "How photoinduced halide exchange in perovskite quantum dots enables radical-based photochemistry" (Jul 14, 2022)

We will discuss the stable and selective photogeneration of aminium and aminyl radicals from the same amine precursor via tunable charge carrier imbalance condition enabled by the photoinduced anion exchange that opens unconventional but highly effective pathway of removing electrons irreversibly from the NCs. The coupling between the radicals photogenerated by CsPbX3 NCs, for which II-VI semiconductor NCs are catalytically inactive, will also be discussed.

[SF@Y] 2022 Summer Science Factory@Yonsei Season VII 'Create Nano' Orientation (Jul 8, 2022)

7월 4일 월요일 오후 2시, 7번째 시즌을 맞이한 Science Factory @Yonsei 학부생 인턴십 프로그램의 오리엔테이션이 IBS관 오디토리움에서 진행되었다.

[Seminar] [Special Seminar] Juneyoung Lee, Ph.D. (Moderna), Jul/05/2022 (Jul 5, 2022)

In this talk, first, I will go over some of my past research on “Trehalose Glycopolymers and Hydrogels for Enhancing Protein Stability”. Then I will focus on my career journey by sharing my experience throughout Yonsei University, University of California, Los Angeles (graduate school), California Institute of Technology (post-doctoral), and being part of the US Biotech industry, Moderna. The talk will be informal, engaging, and interactive by encouraging active participation and questions from the audience.

[Seminar] [Special Seminar] Prof. Joon Sup Yeom & Hyuk Min Lee (Yonsei Severance), Jun/21/2022 (Jun 17, 2022)

On Tuesday, Jun 21st, 2022, the 9th Special Seminar of IBS CNM & NanoBME will be held at the Auditorium at IBS Hall at 4:00 p.m.

[SF@Y] 2022 Summer Science Factory@Yonsei Season VII 'Create Nano' is coming soon! (May 25, 2022)

Science Factory@Yonsei Season VII will be held on Monday, 4th, July 2022. The application will begin next Monday. Feel free to send your application!

[Event] 연세대학교-기초과학연구원(IBS) 기관장 간담회 개최 (May 24, 2022)

지난 2022년 5월 20일 금요일, 연세대학교 본관에서 연세대학교와 기초과학연구원(IBS)의 기관장 간담회가 개최되었다. 이번 간담회를 통해, 세계적 수준 기초과학 창출 및 진흥을 위한 연세대와 IBS의 협력관계의 고도화에 대해 논의하는 시간을 가졌다.

[Event] 천진우 교수, 2021 언더우드 특훈교수 임명 (May 18, 2022)

천진우 교수는 우수한 연구 업적을 달성한 공로를 인정받아, 2021년 연세대학교 언더우드 특훈교수로 임명되었다.

[Event] 2022 Teacher's Day Ceremony & IBS CNM Happy Hour (May 16, 2022) Hot

On the 13th of May 2022, the Teacher's Day Ceremony and Happy Hour of IBS CNM was held at the Auditorium and IBS Lounge at IBS Hall.


Copyright and Address

  • ADDRESS IBS Hall 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722
  • TEL +82-2-2123-4769   FAX +82-2-2123-4606
  • E-MAIL ibs@yonsei.ac.kr
  • Copyright © IBS Center for NanoMedicine,YONSEI UNIV.

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