Yonsei Advanced Science Institute

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[Evolutionary Nanomaterials & Nanodevices] Seokmin Park†, Sunghwan Hong†, Taehoon Kim, Donghoon Oh, Hong Choi, Kyu-Yeon Lee, Jiseung Kim, Daewoo Suh, Yeon-Kyoung Jung, Shinill Kang, Hyung-Ho Park, Jungsoo Lim*, and Wooyoung Shim* († equally contributed)
Integrating Aerogel into van der Waals Crystals for a High-Strength Thermal Insulator
Nano Lett., 25 (3), 1019–1027
 (Jan 9, 2025)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c04767

Achieving low thermal conductivity and high mechanical strength presents a material design challenge...

[Evolutionary Nanomaterials & Nanodevices] Jae Hyo Han†, Mansoo Park†, Jung-uk Lee, Changhoon Choi, Jung Been Park, Yongjun Lim, Gooreum Kim, Jaemog Jung, Dominik Lungerich, Chul-Ho Jun, Dong-Wan Kim, and Jinwoo Cheon* († equally contributed)
Molecular Drillers for 2 nm Resolution Nanochannel Perforation of 2D Nanoplates
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 147 (2), 1399–1403
 (Jan 6, 2025)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.4c12803

Perpendicular nanochannel creation of two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures requires highly controlled...

[Evolutionary Nanomaterials & Nanodevices] Tian Luo, Henrik S. Jeppesen, Alexander Schoekel, Nadine Bönisch, Fei Xu, Rong Zhuang, Qiang Huang, Irena Senkovska, Volodymyr Bon*, Thomas Heine, Agnieszka Kuc, and Stefan Kaskel*
Photocatalytic Dehalogenation of Aryl Halides Mediated by the Flexible Metal–Organic Framework MIL-53(Cr)
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., online published
 (Jan 2, 2025)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202422776

The catalytic potential of flexible metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) remains underexplored, par...

[Evolutionary Nanomaterials & Nanodevices] Don Hui Lee, and Won-Yong Lee*
Enantioselective Electrochemical L-Phenylalanine Sensor Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Embedded with Redox Probes
Microchem. J., 209, 112641
 (Jan 2, 2025)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.microc.2024.112641

Phenylketonuria (PKU) patients require rapid and decentralized monitoring of their phenylalanine (Ph...

[Nanobio Interface] Alexander Song†*, Sai Nikhilesh Murty Kottapalli†, Rahul Goyal, Bernhard Schölkopf, and Peer Fischer* († equally contributed)
Low-Power Scalable Multilayer Optoelectronic Neural Networks Enabled with Incoherent Light
Nat. Commun., 15, 10692
 (Dec 18, 2024)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-55139-4

Optical approaches have made great strides towards the goal of high-speed, energy-efficient computin...

[Evolutionary Nanomaterials & Nanodevices] Gyu Won Kim†, Minwoo Lee†, Jihong Bae, Jihoon Han, Seokmin Park, and Wooyoung Shim* († equally contributed)
Li-Ion Transport in Two-Dimensional Nanofluidic Membranes
Nano Converg., 11, 54
 (Dec 12, 2024)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s40580-024-00465-y

The growing demand for lithium, driven by its critical role in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and othe...

[Evolutionary Nanomaterials & Nanodevices] Hongde Yu, Yu Jing, and Thomas Heine*
Physics and Chemistry of Two-Dimensional Triangulene-Based Lattices
Acc. Chem. Res., 58 (1), 61–72
 (Dec 10, 2024)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.accounts.4c00557

Triangulene (TRI) and its heterotriangulene (HT) derivatives are planar, triangle-shaped molecules t...

[Evolutionary Nanomaterials & Nanodevices] Lovish Gulati, Carlos Sánchez-Somolinos, Frank Giesselmann, and Peer Fischer*
Aligning and Observing the Liquid Crystal Director in 3D Using Small Magnetic Fields and a Wedge-Cell
Adv. Funct. Mater., 35 (3), 2413513
 (Dec 9, 2024)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202413513

The mechanical and optical properties of liquid crystalline materials are largely dependent on the d...

[Precision Nanomedicine] Younggwang Kim†, Hyeong-Cheol Oh†, Seungho Lee†, and Hyongbum Henry Kim* († equally contributed)
Saturation Profiling of Drug-Resistant Genetic Variants Using Prime Editing
Nat. Biotechnol., online published
 (Nov 12, 2024)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-024-02465-z

Methods to characterize the functional effects of genetic variants of uncertain significance (VUSs) ...

[Precision Nanomedicine] Eunju Cha†, Yi Sun Choi†, Mi Jeong Lee, Minjun Kim, Seung Ju Seo, Su Min Kwak, Sewon Park, Seung-Woo Cho*, and Yoonhee Jin* († equally contributed)
Uterus-Mimetic Extracellular Microenvironment for Engineering Female Reproductive System
Adv. Funct. Mater., online published
 (Nov 7, 2024)
  DOI : https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202415149

Addressing the complexities and challenges inherent in endometrial biology and regeneration, this st...


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  • Copyright © IBS Center for NanoMedicine,YONSEI UNIV.

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