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Jong-Il Park and Jinwoo Cheon*
Synthesis of “Solid Solution” and “Core-Shell” Type Cobalt−Platinum Magnetic Nanoparticles via Transmetalation Reactions
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123 (24), 5743-5746
Date: Jun 1, 2001


In this article, we report the synthesis of “solid solution” and “core-shell” types of well-defined Co−Pt nanoalloys smaller than 10 nm. The formation of these alloys is driven by redox transmetalation reactions between the reagents without the need for any additional reductants. Also the reaction proceeds selectively as long as the redox potential between the two metals is favorable. The reaction between Co2(CO)8 and Pt(hfac)2 (hfac = hexafluoroacetylacetonate) results in the formation of “solid solution” type alloys such as CoPt3 nanoparticles. On the other hand, the reaction of Co nanoparticles with Pt(hfac)2 in solution results in “CocorePtshell” type nanoalloys. Nanoparticles synthesized by both reactions are moderately monodispersed (σ < 10%) without any further size selection processes. The composition of the alloys can also be tuned by adjusting the ratio of reactants. The magnetic and structural properties of the obtained nanoparticles and reaction byproducts are characterized by TEM, SQUID, UV/vis, IR, EDAX, and XRD.

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  • Copyright © IBS Center for NanoMedicine,YONSEI UNIV.

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