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Sol Lee†, Joong-Eon Jung†, Han-gyu Kim, Yangjin Lee, Je Myoung Park, Jeongsu Jang, Sangho Yoon, Arnab Ghosh, Minseol Kim, Joonho Kim, Woongki Na, Jonghwan Kim, Hyoung Joon Choi, Hyeonsik Cheong, and Kwanpyo Kim* († equally contributed)
γ-GeSe: A New Hexagonal Polymorph from Group IV–VI Monochalcogenides
Nano, 21 (10), 4305–4313
Date: May 26, 2021

The family of group IV–VI monochalcogenides has an atomically puckered layered structure, and their atomic bond configuration suggests the possibility for the realization of various polymorphs. Here, we report the synthesis of the first hexagonal polymorph from the family of group IV–VI monochalcogenides, which is conventionally orthorhombic. Recently predicted four-atomic-thick hexagonal GeSe, so-called γ-GeSe, is synthesized and clearly identified by complementary structural characterizations, including elemental analysis, electron diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy imaging, and polarized Raman spectroscopy. The electrical and optical measurements indicate that synthesized γ-GeSe exhibits high electrical conductivity of 3 × 105 S/m, which is comparable to those of other two-dimensional layered semimetallic crystals. Moreover, γ-GeSe can be directly grown on h-BN substrates, demonstrating a bottom-up approach for constructing vertical van der Waals heterostructures incorporating γ-GeSe. The newly identified crystal symmetry of γ-GeSe warrants further studies on various physical properties of γ-GeSe.

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  • Copyright © IBS Center for NanoMedicine,YONSEI UNIV.

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