Yonsei Advanced Science Institute

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[Workshop] Workshop on Innovations of Nanoscience (Oct 2, 2019) Hot

Workshop on Innovations of Nanoscience is held on Wednesday, Oct 2nd at IBS Hall. Prof. Joanna Aizenberg (Harvard Wyss Institute), Dr. Michael Aizenberg (Harvard Wyss Institute), Prof. Warren Chan (University of Toronto), Prof. Yi Lu (University of Illinois) and Prof. Liberato Manna (Istituto Italiano di Technologia) are invited to the workshop to give students talk and have discussion.

[Workshop] C&EN in IBS (Oct 2, 2019) Hot

Dr. Bibiana Campos-Seijo, the Editor-in-Chief of Chemical & Engineering News and Prof. Cynthia Burrows, the Editor-in-Chief of Accounts of Chemical Research visited IBS CNM yesterday after they both attended the ACS Publications - IBS Forum held at Yonsei University between September 30 and 1 October.

[SF@Y] The Winner of Science Factory at Yonsei 2019(Play Nano&Medicine) (Aug 30, 2019) Hot

The Gene Editing Team has been awarded as the Winner of Science Factory at Yonsei 2019.

[SF@Y] NanoBME SF 당신의 연구팀에 투표하세요! (Aug 27, 2019) Hot

당신의 연구팀에 투표하세요.!!! NanoBme Science Factory at YONSEI 프로그램의 YOUTUBE UCC 공개 평가입니다. "좋아요"가 참가팀의 평가점수...

[Notice] Department of Nano Biomedical Engineering(BME) launched in September 2019 (Aug 20, 2019) Hot

Y-IBS Institute introduces a new graduate program of Nano Biomedical Engineering (BME) from September 2019.

[Seminar] Special seminar by Prof. Seung-Wuk Lee (UC Berkeley) (Jul 26, 2019) Hot

Prof. Seung-Wuk Lee is professor at the Department of Bioengineering, University of California. Berkeley. Seminar Title is Bio-inspired Material Assembly and Applications.

[Lecture] Distinguished Lectureship Series Seminar by Prof. Romain Quidant (ICREA) (Jul 24, 2019) Hot

Distinguished Lectureship Series Special Seminar by Prof. Romain Quidant (ICFO) was held between July 24~25 at IBS Hall. Prof. Quidant is Professor at ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona, Spain.

[Seminar] Special Seminar by Prof. Cesar M. Castro (Harvard Medical School) (Jul 22, 2019)

Prof. Cesar M. Castro is Assistant Professor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Seminar Title is Low-tech approaches with high-tech ambitions for improved global oncology care

[Notice] Re-entry / leave / Re-enrollment Guideline for Term 2, 2019 (Jul 15, 2019)

2019학년도 2학기 재입학·휴학·복학 기간 안내 1. 항상 대학원 업무에 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. 2. 2019-2학기 본 대학원 재입학·휴학·복학 신청 기간을 붙임과 같...

[Workshop] Y-IBS Workshop in partnership with MIT (Jul 15, 2019)

Y-IBS Institute host workshop in partnership with MIT, SNU and Kaist Research team.


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  • ADDRESS IBS Hall 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722
  • TEL +82-2-2123-4769   FAX +82-2-2123-4606
  • E-MAIL ibs@yonsei.ac.kr
  • Copyright © IBS Center for NanoMedicine,YONSEI UNIV.

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