Yonsei Advanced Science Institute Newsletter

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Aug, 2021 (Vol. 3 / No. 3)

IBS CNM Biweekly Newsletter - September 7th, 2021
연세대학교 나노의학연구단 뉴스레터
Beetle-Inspired Smart Device for Personalized Skin Care
Technology Networks
Drawing inspiration from nature, a team of international scientists have invented a smart device for personalized skin care modeled after the male diving beetle. This tool collects and monitors body fluids while sticking to the skin’s surface, paving the way for more accurate diagnostics and treatment for skin diseases and conditions like acne.
"Diving beetle–like miniaturized plungers with reversible, rapid biofluid capturing for machine learning–based care of skin disease" by Seung-Woo Cho, and Changhyun Pang was published in Science Advances. The authors acknowledge support from the Institute for Basic Science.
Homepage Re-design
기초과학 교육과 혁신적 과학 연구라는 두 가지 목적을 동시에 지향하는 고등과학원은 나노의학연구단과 대학원 과정인 나노바이오메디컬엔지니어링 전공으로 구성되어 있습니다. 두 조직의 강점과 혁신성을 효과적으로 소개하기 위해 홈페이지 개편을 진행하였습니다.
NanoBME 전공 신입생 모집
연세대학교 NanoBME 전공은 21세기 가장 주목받는 과학분야인 나노과학과 바이오메디컬 엔지니어링을 융합한 국내 유일의 대학원 과정입니다. 세계적 수준의 연구를 선도할 수 있는 역량과 경험을 지닌 최정상 인재를 양성하는 NanoBME 전공에서 2022년 전기 신입생을 모집합니다.
연세대학교 고등과학원에서는 대학원 과정인 나노바이오메디컬엔지니어링 전공과, 기초과학연구원 산하의 나노의학연구단의 효율적 운영을 통하여 상호 시너지 창출을 이끌어낼 전임교원 특별채용을 실시합니다.

나노과학 및 나노의학 연구분야에서 세계 선도적 역할을 수행하는 나노의학연구단은 우수한 연구인력이 함께 하는, 세계 최고 수준의 연구단입니다. 나노의학연구단과 함께 미래 나노의학을 선도할 역량있는 박사후 연구원과 석사후 연구원을 모집합니다. 
Research Meeting Schedule
  • Biweekly Progress Meeting (BPM)
    9/13 Mon 08:30 Bio Group
    9/27 Mon 09:00 Nanomaterials Group
  • Study Group Meeting (SGM)
    Tue 11:00 SNM / 15:00 Nano-biosensor
    Wed 13:00 MG /  15:00 MNA
    Thu 13:00 NSCSI / 15:00 TEM
    Fri 10:00 N-TEC

A Sip of Inspiration
Institute for Basic Science (IBS)
Highly conductive and elastic nanomembrane for skin electronics
“Skin electronics” are thin flexible electronics that could be mounted onto the skin. While it may sound like something out of science fiction, it is anticipated that soon such devices can serve as next-generation devices with a wide range of applications such as health monitoring, health diagnosis, virtual reality, and human-machine interface.
University of Cambridge
Nano ‘camera’ made using molecular glue allows real-time monitoring of chemical reactions
Researchers have made a tiny camera, held together with ‘molecular glue’ that allows them to observe chemical reactions in real time.The device, made by a team from the University of Cambridge, combines tiny semiconductor nanocrystals called quantum dots and gold nanoparticles using molecular glue called cucurbituril (CB). When added to water with the molecule to be studied, the components self-assemble in seconds into a stable, powerful tool that allows the real-time monitoring of chemical reactions.
Stanford University
A mini-CRISPR system could be 'Swiss knife' in gene editing
Stanford researchers have engineered a new miniature CRISPR system that should be easier to deliver into human cells, tissues, and the body for gene therapy. The findings appear in a study publishing September 3 in the journal Molecular Cell.

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  • ADDRESS IBS Hall 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722
  • TEL +82-2-2123-4769   FAX +82-2-2123-4606
  • E-MAIL ibs@yonsei.ac.kr
  • Copyright © IBS Center for NanoMedicine,YONSEI UNIV.

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